"Poetry and the World" Symposium

Free Admission
10am - Noon - Panel 1
Janet Neigh
“Oral Memory in Digital Territories”
Yasser Elhariry
“Strait, Sea, Poem: Emmanuel Hocquard"
Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak
“Persian Poetry in the Persianate World and Beyond”
Noon - 1:30pm - Lunch Break
1:30pm - 3:30pm - Panel 2
Eric Hayot
"Blazon: Between the Who and the What"
Juliana Spahr
"Poetry’s Stubborn Nationalism in the World"
Susan Stewart
"Poetry and the (Natural) World"
4:00pm - 5:00pm - Daljit Nagra
Janet Neigh is an Associate Professor of English at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. She is the author of Recalling Recitation in the Americas: Borderless Curriculum, Performance Poetry, and Reading (2017). Her research has also been recently published in Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Poetry, Feminist Formations, and sx archipelagos: a small axe platform of digital practice.
Yasser Elhariry is Assistant Professor of French at Dartmouth College. He is the author of Pacifist Invasions: Arabic, Translation & the Postfrancophone Lyric and guest editor of the special issue of Expressions maghrébines on Cultures du mysticisme. With Edwige Tamalet Talbayev, he is coeditor of Critically Mediterranean: Temporalities, Aesthetics, and Deployments of a Sea in Crisis. His essay “Abdelwahab Meddeb, Sufi Poets, and the New Francophone Lyric” was awarded the Modern Language Association’s William Riley Parker Prize. His writing also appears in French Forum, Parade sauvage, Contemporary French Civilization, Francosphères, New Literary History, Yale French Studies, Europe, and in several edited volumes.
Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak is a professor of Persian language, literature, and culture at the University of Maryland. He has studied in Iran and the United States, receiving his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Rutgers University in 1979. He is the author, editor, or translator of over twenty books and around one hundred and fifty research articles. Some of his contributions to the study of Persian literature include Recasting Persian Poetry: Scenarios of Poetic Modernity in Iran (1995), Essays on Nima Yushij: Animating Modernity in Persian Poetry (2004), and Strange Times, My Dear: The PEN Anthology of Contemporary Iranian Literature (2005). He plans to retire in 2018 and devote his time to research and writing.
Eric Hayot is distinguished professor of comparative literature and Asian Studies at the Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of four books, including On Literary Worlds (2012) and The Elements of Academic Style (2014), and the translator, with Lea Pao, of Peter Janich’s What is Information? (2018).
Juliana Spahr has published eight books of poetry, including Response (1996), which won a National Poetry Series Award. She is the founder of the literary journal Chain, which she co-edited with poet Jena Osman from 1993 to 2003. In 2009 she won the O. B. Hardison Jr. Poetry Prize, presented by the Folger Shakespeare Library. Her Du Bois’s Telegram is forthcoming from Harvard University Press in the fall, and she is currently working on a book with Stephanie Young and C. O. Grossman that examines the relationship between the grants and literary prizes awarded by private foundations and militancy.
Susan Stewart, the Avalon Foundation University Professor in the Humanities at Princeton University, is a poet, critic, and translator. A former MacArthur Fellow and Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets, she is the author of six books of poems, including Columbarium, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award, and, most recently, Cinder: New and Selected Poems. Her many prose works include On Longing, Poetry and the Fate of the Senses, The Open Studio: Essays in Art and Aesthetics, The Poet’s Freedom, and her forthcoming The Ruins Lesson: Meaning and Material in Western Culture.
Daljit Nagra is from a Sikh background and was born and grew up in West London, then Sheffield. He has published four books of poetry, all with Faber & Faber. His first collection, Look We Have Coming to Dover!, won the Forward Prize for Best First Collection in 2007 and the South Bank Show Decibel Award in 2008. His subsequent two collections, Tippoo Sultan’s Incredible White-Man Eating Tiger-Toy Machine!!! and his version of the Ramayana were nominated for the T. S. Eliot Prize. In 2014 Nagra was selected as a New Generation Poet by the Poetry Book Society. In 2015 he won a Royal Society Travelling Scholarship. His latest collection is British Museum, which was published in 2017. He is the inaugural Poet in Residence for Radio 4/4 Extra and teaches at Brunel University London.