Poetry Reading: Lorna Goodison
- Poet Laureate of Jamaica, Professor Emerita, University of Michigan
“‘...and now I am no longer there’: housing precarity in poetic form”
- Assistant Professor of English, Wake Forest University
"What is a Poem?" Symposium
- Professor of English, Harvard University
- Former U.S. Poetry Laureate and Commonwealth Professor of English, University of Virginia
- Mark Pigott KBE Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences and Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Stanford University
- Associate Professor of South Asian Literature, Rutgers University
- Sadie D. Patek Professor of Humanities Emerita, Stanford University
- Editor, Poetry Magazine
- Assistant Professor of English, Indiana University
"Medieval Lyric: A Translatable or Untranslatable Zone?"
- Marie Borroff Professor of English, Professor of French and of Music, Yale University
"Poetry & Race" Symposium
- University Professor Emeritus of English and Comparative Literature, University of Toronto
- Poet Laureate of Jamaica, Professor Emerita, University of Michigan
- Associate Professor of English and African & African American Studies, Duke University
- Associate Professor of English and Spanish, New York University
- Professor of English and Asian American Studies, University of Pennsylvania
- Professor of English, Rutgers University
- Assistant Professor of English, Emory University
"Theory of the Lyric"
- Class of 1916 Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Cornell University
"'What it's like to be an earthquake': Experience, Testimony, and Poetry"
- Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, University of Belgrade
"Poetry and the World" Symposium
- Assistant Professor of French, Dartmouth College
- Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature and Asian Studies, Penn State University
- Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland
- Winner of the 2007 Forward Poetry Prize
- Associate Professor of English, Penn State University - Behrend
- Joan Danforth Professor in the Arts, Mills College
- Avalon Foundation University Professor of the Humanities, Princeton University
"The Value of Poetry"
- Professor of English, University of California, Berkeley
"Poetry, Place, Displacement" Symposium
- Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies, Northwestern University
- Associate Professor of English, University of Chicago
- Professor of English, University of Miami, Winner of the 2014 Forward Prize
- Associate Professor of English, New York University
- Associate Professor of English, Harvard University
"Poetry & Climate Change" Symposium
- Boylston Professor of Oratory and Rhetoric, Harvard University
- Professor of English, University of Hawaiʻi, Mānoa
- Associate Professor of English, University of California, Davis
- Associate Professor of Poetry, University of Virginia
"Becoming Lyric"
- UCI Endowed Chair in Rhetoric, UC Irvine